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康沃尔渔村的风景明信片田园诗误导了人们。虽然过去钓鱼是一种养家糊口的方式,但如今富有的伦敦游客纷纷下山,取代了当地人,当地人的生计因此受到威胁。史蒂文和马丁兄弟的关系也很紧张。马丁是一个没有船的渔夫,因为史蒂文开始用它来为一整天的游客提供更赚钱的旅游。他们卖掉了这座家庭别墅,现在看来,最后一场战斗是和新主人在海边的停车位上展开。然而,情况很快就失控了,而不仅仅是因为车轮夹钳。  Bait是一种黑白,手工制作,16毫米胶片制作的电影。许多关于鱼、网、龙虾、长靴、绳结和渔篮的特写镜头让人想起了蒙太奇景点的理论。对不同社会阶层的描述——可以说是阶级关系——也让人想起了英国电影中的社会现实主义传统。然而,最重要的是,在影像中不同层次的电影历史参考文献之下,当前许多政治关联正在等待被发现。  The picture-postcard idyll of the Cornwall fishing village is misleading. While fishing used to be a way of supporting oneself, wealthy London tourists have now descended and are displacing the locals, whose livelihood is thus threatened. The relationship between brothers Steven and Martin is also strained. Martin is a fisherman without a boat, since Steven started using it for far more lucrative tours for all the day-trippers. They’ve sold the family cottage and now it seems that the final battle to be fought is that with the new owners over the parking space next to the sea. Yet the situation soon gets out of hand, and not just because of the wheel clamp.  Bait is a black-and-white film shot on hand-processed 16mm. Numerous close-ups of fish, nets, lobsters, wellington boots, knots and catch baskets bring to mind the theory of a montage of attractions. The depiction of the different social strata – one could speak of class relations – is also reminiscent of the tradition of social realism in British cinema. Above all, however, a whole lot of current political relevance is waiting to be discovered beneath the different layers of film historical references contained in the images.



    曾经意气风发的高志垒(徐峥 饰)在生活的重压下,中年“失速”偏离了原本的生活轨迹,一时意气用事的决定,让他瞬间从家人的“小骄傲”变成了社会的“边角料”。然而,他未曾料到,这仅是他“逆行人生”道路上的起点。接连不断的变故如疾风骤雨般袭来,迫使他不得不重新面对自我。当生活的重担真正压肩,他选择成为一名外卖员,从新的起点重新出发,穿梭于都市大街小巷的高志垒在路上结识了一众志同道合的“骑士”伙伴,在共度的时光里他深切的体会到了人间的冷暖真情,逐渐在这条充满磨砺的“逆行道”中找回曾经丢失的勇气与信念,重新定义人生新的方向。本片根据清明原著《逆行人生》改编。
    一个“精神病人”如何在正常人的世界中生活?王战团(葛优 饰),俗世里的一位奇人,偶尔疯癫,行为古怪,却有独一份的清醒。周正(王俊凯 饰),敏感沉默的少年人,因口吃自闭,却有无声的反骨。两个不合群的人,让一大家子头疼不已,闹剧不断……本片改编自郑执创作的短篇小说《仙症》。
    Ryan Murphy dropped a teaser for a new series titled Grotesquerie in an Instagram post (see it below) on Friday. According to the post, it will star Niecy Nash-Betts — who has worked with Murphy several times before and is coming off an Emmy win for Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story — Courtney B. Vance and Lesley Manville and is set to premiere in the fall.The teaser features Nash-Betts’ voice, sounding very disturbed about a crime scene: “I don’t know when it started. I can’t put my finger on it. But it’s different now. There’s been a shift. It’s like something’s opening up in the world — a kind of hole to the center of nothingness. What I saw today — they sent shrinks for everyone who worked this crime scene. You think, ‘Well hon, evil has always existed,’ and cite some statistic about how the world’s getting better, less murder, more help, less global horror, never been a better time to be alive, honey.”Her voice cracking, Nash-Betts (or rather, her character) concludes by saying, “Come back. It’s not getting better. And I keep needing to hear your answers, because something’s happening around us, and nobody sees but me.”
    曾经红极一时的好莱坞巨星伊丽莎白(黛米·摩尔 Demi Moore 饰),无法面对自己老去的容颜,决定使用一种名为“完美物质”的黑市药物,透过注射药物的细胞复制物质,创造出更年轻、更好的另一个自己(玛格丽特·库里 Margaret Qualley 饰)。“年华老去”及“年轻貌美”的自己该如何共存?会是更强烈的容貌焦虑大战?还是要不断迎合大众对“美”的期待?一场自我身体主导权的争夺战即将上演……
    车祸、裁员、失业,家里还有一个即将中考痴迷游戏的学渣考生,倒霉的事情都赶到一起怎么办?危力(宋宁峰 饰)是一家外卖平台的高管,不慎开车撞倒了自己公司赶时间送货的外卖员。在这场区分车祸谁是谁非的追责中,面对法律和人性的双重拷问,危力对自己坚信不移的价值逐渐产生了怀疑,隐藏在算法洪流中的真相逐渐显露狰狞……