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这是一部关于恐龙的科教记录片,  北极:7千万年前。一个极端的世界。夏季的阳光变成了24小時严寒的夜晚。恐龙们不得不做出选择,勇敢的向南迁徙以寻找阳光。一段充满了暴风雪,火山爆发和致命狩猎者的危险旅程,一个年轻的埃德蒙頓龙开始了他的第一个千里迁移.  片中令人惊叹的CG动画 和精心构建的数码世界,可以說是真正的恐龙电影演变,令人震撼.  The Arctic 70 million years ago. It is a world of extremes. Tropical summers of 24hr sunlight are replaced by freezing winters of continuous night. The remarkable dinosaurs that lived under the Northern Lights had to make a choice, brave the winter or head south to find the sun.  Join Scar, a young Edmontosaurus embarking on his first thousand-mile migration. It is a journey for survival that is fraught with danger; blizzards, volcanic eruptions and deadly predators lie ahead. Meanwhile Patch, a juvenile Troodon, left alone in the North, must learn to survive in one of the harshest environments the Earth has ever known.  This epic feature-length adventure portrays an incredible polar odyssey that actually happened but has never  been witnessed before. Based on recent fossil evidence blasted out of the ice around the North Pole, the makers  of ''Walking with Dinosaurs'' and ''Prehistoric Park'' are delighted to introduce you to an all-new cast of dinosaurs, from feathered tyrannosaurs to giant marine predators. Featuring stunning animation and a painstakingly recreated digital world, it can truly be said that the dinosaur film has evolved.



    Set six years after the events at Camp Cretaceous, members of “The Nublar Six” are struggling to find their footing off the islands, navigating a world now filled with dinosaurs and people who want to hurt them. Reunited in the wake of a tragedy, the group comes together only to find themselves on the run and catapulted into a global adventure to unravel a conspiracy that threa...
    继《古墓丽影》电子游戏的生存三部曲(2013 年的《古墓丽影》、2015 年的《古墓丽影:崛起》和 2018 年的《古墓丽影:暗影》)大获成功之后,此动画剧集将讲述这位环游世界的女英雄的下一篇章,以及她如何最终成长为那个经典的古墓丽影角色。在第一款游戏问世 25 年之后,劳拉·克劳馥仍在继续探索新的领域。
    外星也难民 第五季
    一支由四名外星人组成的小队逃离了爆炸的家园,却坠毁在美国郊区一栋随时可以入住的房子里。他们对地球是可怕还是美好的看法不一。科尔沃(贾斯汀·罗兰饰)和尤米拉克(肖恩·吉布朗尼饰)只看到污染、粗俗的消费主义和人类的弱点,而特里(托马斯·米德蒂奇饰)和杰西(玛丽·麦克饰)则喜欢人类以及他们所有的电视、垃圾食品和有趣的东西。他们的使命是保护 Pupa,这是一台活着的超级计算机,有一天它会进化成真正的形态,吞噬他们并改造地球。
    Spooky stuff is afoot when the Spirit of Halloween starts to take over Korvo's life.