In this futuristic sci-fi film, based on the legends of the Golem, insane scientists have invented technology that give them total control over the half-human, half-android population of Earth. Trouble ensues when one of the creatures begins showing independent will. He must be destroyed lest he influence the rest. They pursue him, but somehow he continues to elude the evil doctors. ~ Sandra Brennan, All Movie Guide
Two high profile couples are forced to examine the cost of success when they're invited to an exclusive self-help retreat where their ancestors sold their souls generations prior.
Winter's End is a contemporary thriller set on a rural, isolated farm. 21-year-old Amy Rose live on this farm with her two brothers Henry and Sean and we follow Amy's progress from abuse and oppression at the hands of her older brother Henry, to independence and freedom.
故事的发生地是湖北产茶大镇——谷城五山镇。每年阳春三月,这里花红茶绿,人声鼎沸,茶叶的丰收让茶农们忙得喘不过气来。他们就跑到城里的劳动力市场找人来当采茶工,以质论价,按量付钱。每年都吸引了很多城里人来做季节工。 富大龙在片中饰演一个在生意上比较精明但在女孩面前拘谨木讷的茶场主。他演的回乡青年宋大雄,带头承包茶园种植有机茶。由于种植面积扩大,他独辟蹊径到城里请来十几个求职的大学生,清一色的漂亮女孩。这些女孩要求挺多,朴实的他一一满足了姑娘们的要求,教她们采茶、炒茶。后来他得到其中一个女孩章丽蕾的爱慕,最终把她留了下来。 制作公司: 北京电影制片厂 Beijing Film Studio [中国]