暴风雪、冰雹、龙卷风,近日来,这些不常见的自然现象竟然频繁地出现,,给居民们的生活带来了困扰,亦带来了恐慌。约翰(拉尔夫·费因斯 Ralph Fiennes 饰)是英国情报局的首席探员,接到上司的命令,他开始调查隐藏在这一系列反常天气背后的真相。 在气象学家艾玛(乌玛·瑟曼 Uma Thurman 饰)的帮助下,约翰抽丝剥茧,拨开层层迷雾,一位名叫奥古斯特(肖恩·康纳利 Sean Connery 饰)的政府前部长出现在了约翰的视野里,原来,这一切都系奥古斯特所为,野心勃勃的他企图通过控制天气,来控制整个英国。敌人已经出现,约翰和艾玛该如何才能引蛇出洞,将他绳之以法呢?
After attempting to set a mailbox on fire, Pimpette, 14, and her elder sister, Joséphine, spend their summer holidays shuttling between their secretly pregnant mom and bachelor father. But when Joséphine gets involved with the wrong crowd, little Pimpette turns out to be more responsible than the grown-ups who spend their time educating her.
A story of love, sex... and high school tuition. Meet Sam Lowell. Friend, lover, student, teacher... and owner of his very own escort service. Along with his "mother's little helpers" Sam learns about love and life in this sophisticated take on the classic high school sex comedy that explores a generation of kids growing up too fast and their parents who are desperately trying ...
美国国防部的一块电脑芯片不见了,里面存着高级的机密国际犯罪分子也将其价格炒到了天文数字。为了能完成交易,犯罪分子将其藏匿在一台玩具遥控车里面,并顺利通过了机场的安检。不过,途中却阴差阳错的被一位老太太调包,最终这台藏着高级机密芯片的遥控车被送到了8岁男孩儿阿历克斯(亚历克斯·D·林兹 Alex D. Linz 饰)的手中。为了取回芯片,受过专业训练的犯罪分子潜入了阿历克斯所住的小区。一天晚上,阿历克斯因为长水痘而被独自留在了家里,这给犯罪分子极大的机会。不过……阿历克斯却不是他们想象中的8岁男孩儿,他有着让人意想不到的“武器”,最终用智慧打败了犯罪分子。