玛格丽特(弗吉尼亚·梅奥 Virginia Mayo 饰)是一名出身尊贵的公主,虽然过着衣食无忧富足奢侈的生活,但玛格丽特却并不感到快乐。因为她无法自由的去选择自己的感情,而是必须听从国王的安排。 一次偶然中,玛格丽特在一条商船上遇见了名为沙巴斯(鲍勃·霍普 Bob Hope 饰)的演员,此时,意外发生了。贪婪的铁驹船长(维克托·麦克拉格伦 Victor McLaglen 饰)劫持了商船,并且绑架了玛格丽特公主要求巨额赎金。为了救玛格丽特,沙巴斯不惜男扮女装,甚至嫁给了海盗羽毛头(沃尔特·布伦南 Walter Brennan 饰)。羽毛头早就不满铁驹船长的独裁统治,他命令沙巴斯去偷取藏宝图。
伊莎贝尔(吉恩·蒂尔尼 Gene Tierney 饰)深深的爱着飞行员劳力(泰隆·鲍华 Tyrone Power 饰),然而,刚刚经历过战争摧残的劳力并没有心情谈情说爱,他选择前往巴黎,想要在那里找到生活的意义。一晃眼一年过去,伊莎贝尔前去寻找劳力,却因为受不了那里贫穷的生活而选择了嫁给富家公子格雷(约翰·佩恩 John Payne 饰)。
又是好几年过去,彼时格雷因为种种意外而破了产,伊莎贝尔和伙伴索菲(安妮·巴克斯特 Anne Baxter 饰)再度回到了巴黎。受生活所迫,索菲沦为妓女,劳力不忍看到此情此景,决定拯救索菲,哪知道他的举动引起了伊莎贝尔的妒忌,在伊莎贝尔的设计之下,索菲再一次向深渊滑去。
Police officer Jane Rydert's life goes into a tailspin the day her older sister, Cassidy, shows up at her door after sixteen years of confinement in a psychiatric hospital.
吉村公三郎代表作,也是蘇珊.桑塔最喜愛的日本經典片之一。吉村愛向難度挑戰,喜歡實驗,討厭被歸類,是松竹的壞孩子,卻因此為日本電影開創出不少可能性。影片描寫日本戰後,末落貴族變賣大宅前舉行的最後一場舞會。吉村親歷這樣的一個舞會,他用所見所感,寫出一個個玲瓏浮凸的人物:戀棧風光的父親,目空一切的兒子,不肯放下身段的大女兒...道盡大時代的種種細碎。也是原節子代表作,這個洞悉世情的次女兒與父親起舞,成為全片焦點,也為時代作了精采的解讀。 World War II is over, and the once-prominent Anjo family has fallen on hard times. They must finally sell the family home - but not before one last ball to recapture their glory days. However, old secrets and high emotions threaten to turn the evening into tragedy. Proud patriarch Tadahiko (Takizawa) can barely keep his unruly offspring in check, and tries every last trick to keep the house where he has spent the happiest years of his life. In his darkest hour, daughter Atsuko (frequent Ozu heroine, Hara Setsuko) shows her beleaguered father the hard-won dignity in starting over. SummerIFF 2007
故事发生在位于英国的一座小小村庄之内,女佣朵拉(梅尔·托特纳姆 Merle Tottenham 饰)和她的雇主布拉姆森夫人(梅·惠蒂 Dame May Whitty 饰)生活在一起,朵拉的男友丹尼(罗伯特·蒙哥马利 Robert Montgomery 饰)深得布拉姆森夫人的信赖,虽然夫人的侄女奥利维亚(罗莎琳德·拉塞尔 Rosalind Russell 饰)一直告诫姑母要多多提防这个年轻的小伙子,但布拉姆森夫人显然听不进去她的忠告。 布拉姆森夫人的律师贾斯汀(艾伦·马歇尔 Alan Marshal 饰)给布拉姆森夫人带来了一笔钱,夫人将这笔钱存进了自己的保险箱里,这一举动被丹尼尽收眼底。一个可怕的阴谋在他的脑海里成型了。
A heroic fantasy about an artist’s destiny at the tumultuous time of social transformations. One of director Alexander Mitta’s best films. The south of Russia, 1920. In a town square, a mono-performance is on, based on Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar”. The film’s hero who took the pseudonym “Revarm”, which stands for “Revolutionary Art for the Masses”, is seriously interested in theatre. The real life and the stage one are intertwined in his destiny. In a provincial town where the power continuously changes hands, going from the Reds to the Whites, from the Whites to a band of the Greens, this youthful stage reformer, endowed with the gift of persuasion, attracts people to his cause, leaving no one indifferent.…
Mike Lambert, unemployed mining engineer, arrives in a small town with a bang when the brakes fail on the truck he's driving. After meeting seductive Paula at the La Paloma Cafe, he finds himself in trouble with the law. On the basis of a few burning glances, Paula pays his fine and finds him a room, but her motives are not what they seem. Mike lucks into a job with miner Jeff Cunningham, but against his will he's drawn ever deeper into Paula's scheme