They Might be Giants chronicles the adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson in modern-day New York City. The fact that Sherlock Holmes is a psychotic paranoid and Dr. Watson is a female psychiatrist fascinated by his case is almost beside the point. Dr. Watson follows Holmes across Manhattan and is, against her better judgment, drawn into the master detective's world of intrigue and danger. This is a sweet, goofy and fairly romantic film that asks the questions Whose reality is right...and does it really matter
Sin and Illy have a plan on a Greek island they want to get 'clean' on their own. But the intention of the two girls fails already on the way to the airport. Finally Sin realizes she has to go the way out of heroin addiction all alone.
Just before Christmas, Lee Leander is caught shoplifting. It is her third offense. She is prosecuted by John Sargent. He postpones the trial because it is hard to get a conviction at Christmas time. But he feels sorry for her and arranges for her bail, and ends up taking her home to his mother for Christmas. Surrounded by a loving family (in stark contrast to Lee's own family background) they fall in love. This creates a new problem how do they handle the upcoming trial
鲸鱼威利回到了属于自己的家园,而杰西(杰森·詹姆斯·里希特 Jason James Richter 饰)亦已经长大,成为了一名海岸科考队队员,可是,他们之间的故事并没有完结。男孩麦克斯(Vincent Berry 饰)的父亲约翰(帕特里克·基尔帕特里克 Patrick Kilpatrick 饰)是一名非法捕鲸手,有时候,当他穿梭在惊涛骇浪之中追随着鲸鱼的身影之时,会将麦克斯带在身边,这令麦克斯对鲸鱼的感情十分矛盾。 一次捕鲸行动中,麦克斯和父亲闯入了威利的领地,处境十分危急,在生死攸关的紧要关头,杰西出现化解了危机。这场意外令麦克斯逐渐了解了父亲所作所为带来的危害,可是约翰依旧我行我素。又一次,约翰在行动中落入海中生死垂危,威利不计前嫌挺身而出,救下了约翰。
An Episcopal Bishop, Henry Brougham, has been working for months on the plans for an elaborate new cathedral which he hopes will be paid for primarily by a wealthy, stubborn widow. He is losing sight of his family and of why he became a churchman in the first place. Enter Dudley, an angel sent to help him. Dudley does help everyone he meets, but not necessarily in the way they would have preferred. With the exception of Henry, everyone loves him, but Henry begins to believe that Dudley is there to replace him, both at work and in his family's affections, as Christmas approaches.
刚刚搬到伦敦的托尼(詹姆斯·福克斯 James Fox 饰)雇佣了名为巴雷特(德克·博加德 Dirk Bogarde 饰)的男子作为家中的仆人,将家里上下大大小小的一切事物交给他打理,聪明肯干的巴雷特没有让托尼失望,很快便获得了主人的信任。 托尼的女友苏珊(温蒂·克雷格 Wendy Craig 饰)并不喜欢巴雷特,因为她隐约察觉到,托尼和巴雷特的妹妹薇拉(莎拉·米尔斯 Sarah Miles 饰)之间有着说不清道不明的暧昧关系。之后,托尼震惊的发现原来薇拉系巴雷特的情人,深感受到欺骗的托尼解雇了巴雷特。一次偶然中,托尼和巴雷特在一间小酒馆重逢了,他们重新建立了主仆关系,但这表面平和的关系里实则充满了刀光剑影。