Roger Willoughby is considered to be a leading expert on sports fishing. He's written books on the subject and is loved by his customers in the sporting goods department at Abercrombie and Fitch, where he works. There's only one problem however: he's never been fishing in his life. When the store owner enters him in a fishing contest, mayhem ensues.
Brooklyn-based Ella Richards does freelance work as a seamstress to pay the bills, but is also a struggling fashion designer, her talent which her friend Max, who often gets her her sewing work, can see. She specializes in designs for plus sized women such as herself in knowing that the high end fashion industry largely ignores this majority segment of the population in she her...
99 Moons homes in on two characters united by feelings bordering on obsession. There’s Bigna, a researcher specialising in tsunamis who’s almost thirty and on the point of relocating to Chile for work reasons, and thirty-three-year-old Frank, who will shake up her convictions to the point she decides to stay.
尽管很多人觉得拥有超能力是一件好事,但事实却偏偏和想象中相反。克里斯(尼古拉斯?凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)天生具有预测未来的能力,但他从小就在痛苦中度过:各种机构、政府、医院都对他极感兴趣,以至他快乐的童年都在测试和研究中度过。成年后的克里斯隐形埋名混迹于赌城拉斯维加斯,不时去赌博一下赢点小钱。
因为一个恐怖组织预谋要炸毁洛杉矶,特工凯莉(朱丽安?摩尔 Julianne Moore 饰)找到了克里斯帮忙。然而,这预测未来的超能力现在令克里斯痛苦万分,因为他预测到无论多么努力,洛杉矶最终还是会被炸毁,而且他的爱人也会在此劫难中死去……