Hopper’s work is the most recognisable art in America – popular, praised, and mysterious. Countless painters, photographers, filmmakers and musicians have been influenced by his art – but who was he, and how did a struggling illustrator create such a bounty of notable work?
This new film takes a deep look into Hopper’s art, his life, and his relationships. From his early career...
EXHIBITION ON SCREEN is thrilled to present one of the most talked about exhibitions of the year. Dedicated to the portrait work of Paul Cézanne, the exhibition opens in Paris before traveling to London and Washington.
One can’t appreciate 20th century art without understanding the significance and genius of Paul Cézanne. Featuring interviews with curators and experts from the ...
美国少妇瑞姬?蓝伯特(奥黛丽?赫本饰)在法国梅杰夫滑雪场偶遇一位自称皮特?乔舒亚(加里?格兰特 Gary Grant 饰)的男子。瑞姬返回巴黎,发现家中被洗劫一空,丈夫查尔斯遇害。瑞姬被美国使馆传召,结识了CIA特工汉密尔顿(华特?马修 Walter Matthau 饰),才发现原来查尔斯葬礼上出现的三名怪客是他二战时贪污黄金的同伴:泰克斯(詹姆士?柯本 James Coburn 饰),赫尔曼(乔治?肯尼迪 George Kennedy 饰)和利奥波德(奈德?格拉斯 Ned Glass 饰)。汉密尔顿要求瑞姬帮助政府寻找失踪的黄金,而三名怪客也对瑞姬紧追不放。危急时皮特突然现身救美。正当瑞姬陷入情网之际,三怪客纷纷遇害,矛头指向身份变幻莫测的皮特,瑞姬也陷入空前危机。
九岁的小女孩玛丽(艾丽·范宁 Elle Fanning 饰)拥有锦衣玉食的生活,却缺乏父母的陪伴。圣诞节前夜,玛丽收到了叔叔送来的一份珍贵礼物——一个装木偶的小房子和一只胡桃夹子。喜出望外的玛丽将胡桃夹子视作自己的知心伙伴,竟意外地发现它会说话,并声称自己名叫NC(查理·罗 Charlie Rowe 饰),是玩具王国的王子,然而在一场噩梦中,美好的王国被凶残的鼠王(约翰·特托罗 John Turturro 饰)占领了,他还将王子变成一只木偶永远驱逐出境,只有找到真正相信童话的人才能解除咒语。在雪仙子(朱莉娅·维斯托斯卡亚 Yuliya Vysotskaya 饰)的指引下,玛丽帮NC恢复了肉身,并勇敢地答应与他一起回王国打败鼠王,解放子民。然而,这两个毫无武力只有一颗纯真之心的孩子,能否对抗整支血腥残暴的老鼠大军和卑鄙狡猾的鼠王呢?
Having taken control of a maximum security prison, a criminal mastermind faces off against a retired Black Ops agent who had been visiting his incarcerated son.