En route to meet his estranged daughter and attempting to revive his dwindling career, a broken, aging comedian plays a string of dead-end shows in the Mojave desert.
安娜·威尔斯 Anne Welles:外表庄严秀丽内心却情感丰富的女主角,一生渴望获得真爱,而不是委屈于被爱;年轻时甩掉钻石王老五,临近中年时甩掉化妆品公司董事,好友詹妮弗自杀,与闺蜜妮丽反目成仇,可最还被花心的初恋情人莱昂·伯克伤透了心。(电影版由芭芭拉·帕金斯饰演)原型是小说作者杰·苏珊本人。 妮丽·奥哈拉 Neely O'Hara:17岁来到纽约打拼认识了安妮,一次偶然的机会她登上舞台一举成名,但随之而来的不仅是名利,还伴随着兴奋剂,安眠药,与同性恋老公离婚之后发疯进了疯人院,出院后东山再起却缠上了好友安妮的老公莱昂,再一次走向自我毁灭。(电影版由帕蒂·杜克主演)原型是朱迪·加兰。 詹妮弗·诺斯 Jennifer North:小说里最喜欢的人物,外貌性感靓丽却不失清纯,内心善良与人为善,可惜遇人不淑,她也是第一个服用“红娃娃”的女演员,王子、歌星、制片人直至议会议员,却没有一个人真心实意的爱她,最终因为癌症自杀永别于世。(电影版由莎朗·塔特主演)原型是玛丽莲·梦露。 海伦·劳逊 Helen Lawson:满口粗话却主宰百老汇的女明星,自私自利到头来只换来空虚寂寞。(电影版由苏珊·海沃德主演)
Set at the turn of the century, the story concerns a Polish poet living in Cracow who has decided to marry a peasant girl. The wedding is attended by a heterogenous group of people from all strata of Polish society, who dance, get drunk and lament Poland's 100-year-long division of Poland under Russia, Prussia, and Austria. The bridegroom, a painter friend, and a journalist each in turn is confronted with spectres of Polish past. In the end a call to arms is called but turns out to be a hoax.
Police officer Jane Rydert's life goes into a tailspin the day her older sister, Cassidy, shows up at her door after sixteen years of confinement in a psychiatric hospital.
故事发生在风景宜人的布宜诺斯艾利斯,玛利亚(玛丽亚•卡纳莱 María Canale 饰)、索菲亚(玛婷娜•戎卡黛拉Martina Juncadella 饰)和维奥莱塔(爱林•萨拉斯 Ailín Salas 饰)是情同手足的三姐妹,自幼失去父母的她们和外婆住在一起,过着相依为命的生活,祖孙之间的感情十分的亲密。可是今年夏天,一切将会变得不同,外婆去世了,留下无尽的思念和悲痛需要三姐妹细细咀嚼。 为了走出丧亲的阴影,三个姑娘都下了一番功夫。玛利亚选择将精力转移到学习之中,索菲亚则开始潜心研究如何变美以及怎样增加她微不足道的存款。只有性格最内向的维奥莱塔不知道在忙些什么,当秋天到来时,她做了一件让所有人都没有想到的事情。
马克(布拉德·兰弗洛 Brad Renfro 饰)是一名11岁的少年,一日,年幼的他目睹了一个男人自杀的全过程,在死前,男人告诉了马克一个惊天秘密。受惊的马克随即接受了警方的盘问,但对于那个不能说的秘密,马克选择了守口如瓶。可即便如此,马克还是被和黑手党暗中勾结的联邦检察官福特里格(汤米·李·琼斯 Tommy Lee Jones 饰)给盯上了,后者向马克提出了控诉。 马克雇佣了精明的女律师洛芙(苏珊·萨兰登 Susan Sarandon 饰)为其辩护,在两人的联手之下,他们破获了福特里格的阴谋并得到了证据。可是福特里格并没有善罢甘休,而是暗中向马克发起了更为卑鄙的攻击。马克全家人的命运都握在了洛芙的手中,面对压倒性的权利,洛芙能够获得最终的胜利吗?
During the cold and rainy off-season a man arrives in a seaside town and, giving his name only as Pierre, checks into the only hotel which remains open. His arrival arouses curiosity and a degree of suspicion, as people note that he appears to know the area, yet gives no explanation for his presence at that bleak time of year in the dead-end town.